On May 17th 2017, in Bologna, at the Carisbo Chamber of Commerce, a meeting was held with the 29 women candidates selected in Emilia Romagna, Marche, Abruzzo, Tuscany and Umbria for the "Woman Value Company" with the partecipati on of Lella Golfo, President of the Marisa Bellisario Foundation, Tito Nocentini, Regional Director Emilia Romagna Marche Abruzzo Molise of Intesa Sanpaolo, Marco Biffi, Umbria Regional Management Intesa Sanpaolo, Francesca Nieddu, Customer Experience and CRM Intesa Sanpaolo, and Stefania Trenti, R&D Director of Intesa Sanpaolo.

The Marisa Bellisario Foundation, in collaboration with the Intesa Sanpaolo Group, has set up the “Women Value Company 2017 - Intesa Sanpaolo Award”: a new acknowledgment focused to small and medium-sized companies that are distinguished in the gender equality by implementing Concrete and innovative policies and strategies, to ensure men and women equal opportunities and career awards.

The "Women Value Company 2017 - Intesa Sanpaolo" prize is aimed at small and medium-sized public and private enterprises (according to the criteria of the Recommendation of the European Commission 2003 361 / EC), with main Italian capital and not belonging to the groups that have Recorded good economic and financial performance and who have distinguished themselves in the policies application for enhancing women's work and management of gender diversity: family / work reconciliation services; Initiatives to ensure employees, men and women, a serene management of their time in the business (benefits, vouchers, indoor nurseries, ...); Flexible working organization policies; Non-discriminatory remuneration policies; Plans for development and enhancement of women's skills and careers, with a large presence of women in managerial or apical positions.

On 20th February, the self-candidacy process was completed which allowed the gathering of nearly 600 companies: 55% were classified as "excellent SMEs", 47% were women drived, almost half of them implemented life/job policies.

 All of them are awarded an acknowledgment, attesting to their peculiar ability to "sow the talents", enhancing the women abilities.


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