A new taylor-made 850Tons 2K injection machine by BMB has been delivered to Techpol

The new "BMB" Injection machine, built "tailor-madefor Techpol and intended for the production of sophisticated bi-material components for our customers in the Automotive sector, was delivered today to our factory in Morro d’Alba.

The 850-ton hybrid machine with two superimposed injectors and a rotary table to facilitate over-moulding on the component, will produce items with the highest technology and meet the stringent performance and quality standards required by the automotive market.

Techpol, in fact, thanks to the technology used in the bi-material injection tools (read here how we work) and to the close multi-year collaboration with BMB, can boast a production that goes beyond the simple transformation of the granule; in this case, high-sounding names in the automotive industry, such as the VOLKSWAGEN GROUP, have for years entrusted Techpol with the production of very special items for “under the hood” and “front-end” applications for the quality and reliability of the company’s production, exactly as Techpol did with BMB.

The magazine “MACPLAS” dedicated an article to the new BMB press commissioned by Techpol. Click here to read the article.

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