Techpol has implemented a Business Continuity system as from the Best Practice ISO27001

Techpol has implemented a “Business Continuity” system, as from the Best Practice ISO27001 and has adopted measures, such as Switch and Firewall’s redundancy and the implementation of very strict backup policies, able to restore the total functionality of the firm in few hours and to avoid any discontinuity in supplies.

A process which has the purpose to increment Techpol’s performances and to guarantee to its customers maximum efficiency and full regime operativity, even in case of accidents and sudden events such as the diffusion of the Covid-19 concerning our country.

For that reason Techpol has immediately activated a series of preventive measures – from the distribution of protection devices, to the adoption of smart working solutions – to protect its employees and collaborators and to continue without interruptions the everyday production activity.

Our supply chain is guaranteed using European raw materials, automations are entirely build in in Techpol and moulds are designed and moulded in the majority of cases in Ancona province.  With that we want to assure to all our customers the full control of supply chain and an unchanged production and project capability.

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