Techpol’s olive grove: a link with the territory and a practice of sustainability

Techpol has its PLANT 1 operational headquarters in Morro d’Alba, in a world famous context for its rural landscapes and its gastronomic excellence.

The company has always been inextricably linked to its territory of origin, so much so that it has decided to allocate a portion of the land owned for industrial use (13,000 square meters) to plant 150 olive trees.

The olive tree is a tree that, together with the vine, best represents the territory in which Techpol was born and is growing. It is also considered the most powerful artificial CO2 fixative existing: a single olive tree is able to absorb 2 kg of CO2 per day and it is estimated that olive growing can absorb up to six times the amount of CO2 emitted. Thus minimizing the so-called Carbon Footprint.

This is one of the many projects for environmental improvement and respect for the area in which the company is located: from the efficiency of the plants to the progressive transition from hydraulics to hybrid and electric up to the virtuous use of resources.

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